Home>Disinfectant and Decontamination Considerations for Cleanrooms
Disinfectant and Decontamination Considerations for Cleanrooms
- 23 June 2022 Webinars
ISPE Malaysia Affiliate is delighted to invite you to tune into our upcoming webinar on the topic:
Disinfectant and Decontamination Considerations for Cleanrooms
Learning objective:
- The use of disinfectants as agents to control microbiological contamination of an environment.
- Data demonstrating the efficacy claim of a disinfectant, whether it is bactericidal, fungicidal, sporicidal or viricidal, is a clear requirement of BPR or EPA for a disinfectant manufacturer to achieve registration.
- Overview of the EN standards available for disinfectant efficacy testing and whilst providing an oversight to specific test phases performed for registration.
- Guidance on how these standards may be utilized for end user validation.
- Review factors to consider when establishing parameters and conditions that may be modified from the standard for the purpose of validation.
- Benefits and reasons to perform decontamination.
- How do we know that the technology works and provides an overview of various options available in hydrogen peroxide decontamination for pharmaceutical cleanroom
The details for the webinar are:
Date: 23 June 2022 (Thursday)
Time: 1.30 PM – 4.45 PM
Platform: Zoom
Fees: FREE
For enquiries: https://ispemalaysia.org/contact-us/