Home>Effective Containment Facility / System Design for High Potency Pharmaceutical Products
Effective Containment Facility / System Design for High Potency Pharmaceutical Products
- 07 Mar 2022 Webinars
This webinar provides an overview of the principle of containment in manufacturing facility design and the understanding of the technologies of manufacturing equipment to ensure an effective containment for the manufacturing of high potency pharmaceutical products.
Learning objective:
- To understand why containment is important for the manufacturing of pharmaceutical products.
- To understand the safety quality and regulatory requirements in designing the facility or system for the manufacturing of high-potency pharmaceutical products.
- To learn the consideration during the selection of compression technology to ensure an effective containment.
- To understand the key features of a compression machine to ensure a successful containment.
- To learn the best practices for containment control in manufacturing of high potency pharmaceutical products
For enquiries: https://ispemalaysia.org/contact-us/
The details for the webinar are:
Date: 24 March 2022 (Thursday)
Time: 9.00 AM – 1.00 PM (MYT)
Platform: Zoom